It’s been about a week and a half since Smith and Wesson released their Bodyguard 2.0 pistol. Frank and I had a really good day at the range with this gun, but with our short timeline, busy schedules, and the fact that I was coming down with some sort of illness on our day of shooting and filming, I wanted to revisit this little pistol and make sure that I give it a fair shake, and see if it’s all that I made it out to be in our video.
Didn’t see our video? Check it out!
So now that things have slowed down here a bit, I’m well, and I’m back to my ordinary schedule of creating pictures and content for you all to enjoy, I’ve kept the Bodyguard 2.0 with me. I’ve talked about it at length with some of the guys in the shop who also had their interest piqued. I’ve shown it to some friends and family members who I thought might enjoy a small pistol such as this one. I’ve even experimented with carrying and concealing the tiny gun to see if it hides away so well that I can’t find it. So far, when I’ve found has been genuinely impressive.
I’m amazed at both the positive reception I’ve gotten from pretty much everyone who’s tried this gun out in any capacity. It’s well liked! The guys at the shop have no complaints, friends and family I’ve handed this to tell me that they enjoy it, and for me personally, it pretty much rides everywhere I need it to.

At the very least… Biscuit likes it.
So far, I’ve stuck this thing in every pocket, bag, waistband, motorcycle pouch, boot, fanny pack, shoulder holster, large wallet, purse, top-hat, and glove I’ve come across, and I can’t overstate enough how it just… fits. We all know there’s about 1000000 ways (I didn’t even count those zeros, but I just know it’s true) to carry a firearms and I can’t help but feeling like the Bodyguard 2.0 suits just about all of them.
Sure, some other pistols have in the past, but what makes this one different is that it falls into your hands and handles like a much larger pistol. There’s always been a fine line between concealment and use, but Smith and Wesson appears to have split that line right down the middle with a scalpel with the Bodyguard 2.0.
If you’re ready to try one out, pick one up below! Or, as always, come on into the shop and the guys will put one in your hand and let you feel it for yourself. It’s become a favorite among the guys already, so you won’t find any naysayers here. If you’ve tried one already, let us know about it in the comments below, or email us at Thank you for reading, and as always, we appreciate y’all!