Frank and CJ got the chance to spend some time with Heritage Manufacturing’s “Roscoe” leading up to it’s release! Once they finished shooting the gun, making 1000 pop-culture references, and just kind of… naming old films for awhile, they managed to put together some thoughts on what this gun is, how well it’s built, and why you’ll love it. Check it out!
Frank and I had a blast with the Roscoe, first and foremost. There are a ton of guns that come out that have a “Western Movie” aesthetic, but a revolver that replicates the ever popular era of 1930s and 40s private-eye fiction is so often overlooked. That’s always surprised me! Sure, you could get your hands on one of the original models, but for the casual collector, who’s not willing to pay for a pristine vintage revolver, but who also doesn’t necessarily want one that’s been hard carried and worn for 70+ years, the Roscoe fits the bill.
The gun is well-built, and well-finished. For a guy who clearly doesn’t shoot revolvers regularly, even I could tell that the trigger on our example was extremely consistent. The finish not only held up to our range trips, photography sessions, and transporting, it still carries a polished, velvet look that can be restored with a few wipes of a microfiber cloth. It feels hard and resistant to scratches and wear, and shines everywhere except the top of the receiver and barrel where it’s been slightly matted to keep glare from interfering with your sights in daylight. I’m not an expert regarding wood, but when I handle the grips, they feel, well… real!
Though they’re obviously best known for their “Rough Rider” series of single-action .22 revolvers, Heritage is clearly following in the footsteps of the “Badlander” shotguns they released this year with the “Roscoe,” in that it’s a more direct “replica” of a period-gun that’s well made and full-sized. I think that they hit that mark dead on with the Roscoe, and if this is a sign of what’s to come from the company, then as a movie, gun, and movie-gun enthusiast, I’m very excited.
Thanks for checking us out! If you enjoyed the video, make sure to leave a like on YouTube! We all know that YouTube isn’t necessarily thrilled by gun content, so doing so goes a long way to helping us stay visible! Comment too! Either on the video or below! Let us know if you’re excited by the Roscoe, and which “niche-guns” you’d like to see a company like Heritage come out with next!