New from Taurus: The Gx2 pistol. Built for the budget market on the promise that “Affordable doesn’t mean compromising on quality or performance.” CJ travelled to the launch event in 2024 and got to shoot one extensively at a Gunsite pistol course, giving him the chance to get a really good feel of how the gun performs. Click the video above to hear his musings and ramblings on what he thinks about the gun, and read on below to take a look at what it actually is.


What it is:

The GX2 is a carry gun, similar in form to the popular Xmacro. It’s another “stack and a half” sized, 13+1 capacity pistol designed to retain the benefits of having a full size gun when it comes to capacity, while still being easy to carry… extremely easy. It’s a 9mm, it has a 3″ barrel, and is equipped with a picatinny rail for mounting small lights or lasers. It’s a simple design, that’s still has enough features to be serviceable and convenient.

What makes it good:

Simply put, the GX2 is a low-cost entry into the conceal carry market. Coming in with a $309 MSRP, and coming in at only $279.99 on our website and shelves, it stands alone, several hundred dollars below other handguns with similar form and capacity. Taurus promises that the gun doesn’t compromise on quality or performance, and based on what we’ve experienced, both at the launch event at Gunsite, and on our own flat range, that claim seems to hold water. As a dealer, it’s nice to have a solid option to recommend to anyone with a budget of around $300, or for new shooters who also need to consider a whole new set of accessories for their first gun, and that’s exactly what the GX2 is. 

When can you get one:

Right now! Right here on, or in our retail store! Just click the link above, or come on in for a visit and ask the sales guys about the new GX2, they’ll put one in your hand and find you what you need!


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