What do you carry? I personally carry a few items daily with only a simple variation for a few specific variables. I am big on being consistent with what you do daily.
My name is Tommy, I am the Chief Operating Officer of Fuquay gun. I have been working in the firearms industry for over 15 years now. I started behind the firearms counter at our original location and worked my way into my current position. What some of you may not know is that I competed in handgun and 3-Gun competitions at the national level for several years. I have probably shot more rounds than most people will shoot in their lifetime. I do not say that to brag, but to give you an understanding of the experiences I have had. I have trained on multiple platforms, I have shot the fancy guns, I have traveled around the country with firearms, and I have been around, and shot with some of the best shooters in the country. I have been exposed to many different firearm products, opinions, and applications. I have seen many shifts and changes in the firearms industry with new products coming out every year, and still, I choose simple and consistent.
With that said my daily carry is below.
As I started to mention, I am a big fan of simple and consistent daily carry. Most days, I carry a Glock 45, 9mm handgun resting in a Black Point IWB holster positioned between 3-4 o’clock on my right side. On my opposite side is a Safariland model 123 horizontal magazine pouch holding a spare 17rd Glock magazine. The firearm and the magazine are loaded with Speer Gold Dot 9mm, 124 grain +P ammunition, totaling 35 rounds. Both are secured on a daily carry belt that is designed for concealed carry. I have used a few different belts over the years, and still use different ones occasionally, but all are designed specifically for concealed carry. Today, I am playing with the Safariland L930 – Nylon EDC NEXBELT® 1.5″ which is super easy to adjust due to the ratchet technology.

When I carry a firearm, I always carry a flashlight. My daily is the Streamlight MacroStream USB rechargeable version, but I have been entertaining the thought of the Streamlight Wedge XT. Both are the right size to slide into the edge of my left front pocket, making them easily accessible if needed. Clipped on my right pocket I keep a Mini Benchmade Griptilian Drop-Point pocketknife which serves any number of purposes. Now, I know someone is going to say it should be on the opposite side of my person from my firearm for defensive reasons, but I have been carrying my knife in my right pocket for so long that if I move it, I would probably not be able to find it when I need it!

I should mention that what, where and how you carry a firearm or any other gear is personal preference. What you carry and where you carry is entirely up to you. You need to do what you are comfortable with because, in the end, if it is not comfortable you may not carry it at all. I personally tried different firearms, lights, knives, etc. on different locations on my person, but settled on what works for me, not what the trends or masses say you should be doing.
Now for the variations that I mentioned earlier. For those days when I am dressed lighter for summer weather, or really want to be covert, I do have a variation in what I carry. I do, however, try not to vary too much. When this is the case, I carry a Glock 43X, usually in the same position, and in a similar holster. The reduced size and weight of the firearm make it even more concealable while keeping everything else very similar to my original setup. The same belt, knife in the right pocket, flashlight in left pocket, and a spare mag on the left side, either in a Safariland horizontal magazine pouch or sometimes just in my left pocket, depending on what I am wearing.
In closing, I am not saying this is what you should carry or even if you should carry. I am saying if you do want to carry a firearm, be comfortable and consistent with what you carry. This is just an example of what I am comfortable with. Each person has their own version or versions of this. If you want multiple options (firearms, knives, lights, etc.), then try to keep some consistency with location, operation & style. Look at many examples, try different things and find and fine-tune your own “Daily Carry”.