Taurus Expedition

Taurus Expedition

With my short attention span, extreme aloofness, and thousands of guns at my disposal daily, Shot Show 2024 seems like a lifetime ago. While a lot of the products that perked my ears up this year have already come across my desk, there’s one that I was very excited...
The MAC 1911 DS

The MAC 1911 DS

I quit carrying a 1911 years ago, and I’m pretty sure I was one of the last hold outs. My love for 1911 ergonomics and triggers held on for a long time, but all good things come to an end, and 5 years ago I hung up “God’s Gun” and became a boring...
Summer Time Carry?

Summer Time Carry?

Choosing a carry gun is complex. Even in the most ideal scenario, when we have all the options laid out in front of us, there’s a lot to consider. You pick the gun you like the best, the one you shoot the best, and the one that fits your budget. Then you consider your...
Sporting Clays In Spring

Sporting Clays In Spring

If you’re a hunter, it’s largely coming into the off-season, no matter what you hunt. A lot of us… simply hang up our gear until late summer/ early fall before we break it back out for pre-season prep when the weather begins to change. For the past...
They’re Arriving

They’re Arriving

A few months ago, I mentioned ShotShow 2024, and covered some of the more exciting new products that I saw coming out. There was a LOT this year, and while it typically takes some time for all the new releases to make an appearance in person, this year, it seems like...